Vitis labrusca Concord Seedless
‘Concord Seedless’ is a self-pollinating, seedless American grape. It is a woody, deciduous, climbing vine, typically growing 15 to 20′ long unless pruned. Large, shallow-cut, three-lobed, green foliage is tropical-like. It is a seedless sport of the ‘Concord’ grape. Compared to ‘Concord’, this seedless grape shares the distinctive sweet to sweet-tart flavor, but ripens about one week earlier and features smaller grape clusters with slightly smaller individual grapes. Panicles of fragrant, greenish flowers in spring are followed by clusters of seedless grapes that ripen in late mid-season. An excellent grape for juices, jams, jellies and wine.
Best fruiting in full sun, in well drained soil, but tolerates light shade & heavier soils. Good drainage is a must, and protection from harsh winds.
Relatively wildlife tolerant after establishment.
Very pollinator & wildlife friendly.
- Common Name 'Concord Seedless' Purple Grape
- Variety Concord Seedless
- Zone Zone 5
- Mature Size 20'H x 20'W
- Bloom Time April-May
- Plant Type Fruits
- Flower Color Greenish White